Training Not a Priority for Labor

It is disappointing but not surprising to see that Labor is determined to reject anything that would deliver more training for Tasmanians.

Minister Felix Ellis said that Labor fought tooth and nail against our TasTAFE reforms, have mislead Tasmanians repeatedly about skills and training and now they are turning their sights on Keystone.

“Keystone was asked to consider prioritising funding for training, aligning administration overheads more closely in line with other states, and to work with local industry bodies and stakeholders,” Minister Ellis said.

“We will soon release the Keystone Tasmania Training Plan for 2023-24, which will confirm the organisation is on a clear path to sustainability in delivering on these priorities. Training programs will continue to be supported in this plan.

“The Rockliff Liberal Government wants to ensure more Tasmanians can get onsite faster, and we will ensure Keystone is in a sustainable position to deliver training support well into the future.”

Minister Ellis said that delivering better skills and training outcomes is clearly not a priority for Labor.


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