Agencies cooperating on Coles Bay Road access

A co-operative effort is underway to secure safe access to Coles Bay and Freycinet Peninsula communities ahead of the next fire season.
The Department of State Growth and the Tasmanian Fire Service are working closely to assess fire risks around the Peninsula – including along Coles Bay Road – as the Tasmanian Government works to mitigate bushfire risks in the area.
Minister for Infrastructure, Michael Ferguson said recent fire seasons have reminded East Coast communities of the importance of vegetation management in ensuring safe access to their properties.
“My Department is working closely with the Tasmanian Fire Service to review vegetation management on the State road network including Coles Bay Road, which for many residents is the only way in and out of the Peninsula,” Minister Ferguson said. 
“Our contractors will be instructed to implement any recommended actions around vegetation risks on the State road network.’’
Minister for Police Fire and Emergency Management, Felix Ellis said the Tasmanian Fire Service was working closely with the Department of State Growth to audit, inspect and asses fire risks across the Peninsula.
“This has been a particularly dry summer and the TFS is planning for the subsequent risk of bushfires, while the Department of State Growth works with its contractors to prioritise vegetation management programs to manage areas with an increased risk,’’ Minister Ellis said.
“While there are always limitations associated with vegetation management around Parks and reserves, as well as residential areas, the TFS will be working with all stakeholders to reduce the risks as much as possible.’’
All vegetation management is completed in accordance with the TFS Machinery Operating Guidelines.  


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