Tasmanian excellence in training celebrated

The 30th Tasmanian Training Awards celebrated excellence in the Tasmanian vocational education and training sector at a gala presentation in Hobart last night.

Minister for Skills, Training and Workforce Growth, Felix Ellis, said this year’s 72 finalists across 14 categories was a clear demonstration of the depth of talent across our training system.

“Not only do these awards celebrate the achievements of our learners, they mark the dedication and commitment of our teachers, trainers and employers,” Minister Ellis said.

“Vocational education and training plays a critical role in Tasmania with VET graduates working in sectors that support our community and build our economy.

“These are roles like tradespeople, carers in disability or aged care and people that work in healthcare, business and in our restaurants.”

This year 14 students, teachers and organisations were named as category winners.

Minister Ellis said the winners were not only a credit to themselves but a beacon for what VET can achieve.

“For the learners that have taken our awards tonight, we look forward to following their achievements as the progress through their careers.

“For the teachers and trainers, we thank you for the effort that you put in to make a difference to so many Tasmanians.,” Minister Ellis said

The annual training awards program is run by Skills Tasmania, as part of nationwide training awards programs.

Tasmanian award winners in aligned categories are nominated to represent Tasmania at the Australian Training Awards, to be held in Hobart on 17 November this year.


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