Labor late to the Forestry party (again)

Rebecca White’s ‘announcement about an announcement’ today reveals Labor’s desperate politicking with the livelihoods of forestry people.
Minister for Resources, Felix Ellis, said this latest thought bubble has no detail, no structure and no commitment to grow the industry – just like their glossy red brochure released in May.

“Tasmanian Labor’s silence in the face of mainland Labor government decisions to slam the door shut on native forestry is telling,” Minister Ellis said.
“Unlike Labor, the Rockliff Liberal Government has been working collaboratively for a number of weeks with key industry peak bodies representing a broad spectrum of the industry around future sawlog supply and other industry matters.
“Our Future Forestry Advisory Panel includes representatives from the Tasmanian Forest Products Association, Tasmanian Sawmillers Association, Tasmanian Special Timbers Alliance and the Australian Forest Contractors Association and is scheduled to meet again shortly.
“Our focus has always been on growing Tasmania’s world-class forestry sector, increasing on-island processing and creating more jobs in this important industry.
“And the statistics show that our approach has been working with jobs, investment, exports and confidence all up.
“We have always said that Tasmanian timber will support Tasmanian jobs, and importantly wood supply contracts are in place with major Tasmanian customers until 2027.
“We will always stand up for Tasmanian forestry and forestry workers.”


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