Backing the racing industry for a bright future

Tasmanians expect a racing industry that is fair, sustainable, and where animal welfare is paramount, which is why the Rockliff Liberal Government is introducing the most significant reforms in decades.

Minister for Racing, Felix Ellis, said the Monteith review was instigated by this Government to drive a stronger integrity response and compliance for Tasmanian racing.  

“The implementation of the Government’s response to the Monteith Review is progressing well, with the Racing Regulation and Integrity Bill 2023 and Racing Regulation and Integrity (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2023 both now tabled in Parliament,” Minister Ellis said.

“The Bills deliver on the Government’s full or in principle support for the recommendations from the Monteith review.

“These Bills introduce significant reforms to improve and strengthen integrity, probity and animal welfare for the Tasmanian racing industry. They will ensure that the Tasmanian community can have confidence that the integrity framework is based on industry best practice, delivering a contemporary, effective, and fit for purpose model for racing in Tasmania. 

“Implementation of these important reforms provide certainty and support for Tasmania's racing industry – an industry that generates close to $208 million in economic activity for Tasmania and involves more than 6400 people across the State, many in regional communities.

Minister Ellis said the reforms are based on evidence and best practice with regulatory and enforcement functions being established in the Tasracing Integrity Unit, separate to the commercial and administrative arms of Tasracing.

“The Racing Regulation and Integrity Bill establishes the independent Tasmanian Racing Integrity Commissioner with comprehensive oversight of the administration and regulation of the Tasmanian racing industry. 

“This Commissioner is provided with unfettered power to set integrity and animal welfare standards, including standards relating to animal testing, care, and traceability.” 

Minister Ellis said these reforms are significant and complex, and it is important that we get this right.

“Given the scale of these changes, I am pleased with the progress as this work will lay the foundation for a bright future for Tasmanian racing,” Minister Ellis said.  

Minister Ellis said that racing is a way of life, supported by proud, passionate Tasmanians, loved by families for decades. The Rockliff Liberal Government is a proud supporter of Tasmania’s racing community and the thousands of people who are part of it.


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