Greens-Labor threat to Tasmania

The Greens have revealed their plan to do a deal with Labor to grab power after the election.

Rosalie Woodruff says the Greens will work with Labor ‘to change Tasmania’.

That’s a change Tasmania cannot afford.

Ms Woodruff says ‘we really want a new government’.

That’s a new government with the Greens in Cabinet and calling the shots.

The threat of a Labor-Green Coalition of Chaos is very real.

It would take the state back to the dark days of 2010-2014.

A Labor-Green Coalition of Chaos would wreck the economy and cost thousands of jobs.

I urge Tasmanians not to allow our state to sleepwalk into a Labor-Greens Coalition of Chaos.

Only a re-elected majority Liberal government will deliver the stability and certainty Tasmania needs.


Backing our Fire and Emergency Services to keep communities safe


Greens insult to salmon workers