4,600 further Fee-Free TAFE places for Tasmania

Brendan O’Connor, Minister for Skills and Training
Felix Ellis, Minister for Skills, Training and Workforce Growth

Thousands more Tasmanians will have access to Fee-Free TAFE from next year, ensuring they can get the skills they need, for the jobs they want.

The Albanese Government and Rockliff Government have announced a further 4,600 Fee-Free TAFE places will be available in Tasmania from January 2024.

The places are made possible through $8.9 million in Commonwealth funding, as the governments partner-up to address skills shortages.

Fee-Free TAFE supports training in areas of high demand, provides access to priority cohorts - including the most vulnerable - and helps students by removing financial barriers to study.

Fee-Free TAFE has already proven a hit in Tasmania. As at 30 June 2023, there were:

Over 900 enrolments in the Care sector 

Over 310 enrolments in State Priority sectors 

Over 290 enrolments in the Technology and Digital sector 

290 enrolments in the Agriculture sector. 

Tasmania’s most enrolled Fee-Free TAFE courses as at 30 June 2023 include:

Certificate III in Individual Support, with over 370 enrolments 

Assist Clients with Medication Skill Set, with over 200 enrolments 

Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care, with over 180 enrolments.

Students in a Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care in Tasmania could save around $2,470, students studying a Certificate III in Individual Support could save over $1,500, and those looking to build a career pathway through a Certificate III in Information Technology could save around $1,270.

Quotes from Minister for Skills and Training Brendan O’Connor:

“Fee-Free TAFE and VET has been such a success that we are committing to a further 300,000 places starting next year, with 4,600 of those places in Tasmania.

“This is a $8.9 million Commonwealth investment in skills and training in Tasmania.

“This is what genuine collaboration and partnership can achieve – real results for everyday Australians – and we couldn’t deliver it without the support of the state government.”

Quotes from Tasmanian Minister for Skills, Training and Workforce Growth Felix Ellis:

“Developing Tasmania’s workforce is top of the billing for our government – we are building a training system that meets the needs of employers, gives students pathways into jobs and puts students at the centre of the training process.

“Fee-Free TAFE will help encourage students to study in priority areas like a Certificate III in Individual Support, Certificate III in Information Technology and Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care, with savings of up to $2,400 available, depending on the course.

“You don’t need to go to university to have a great career, and I encourage Tasmanians who want a new qualification to look into studying at Tas TAFE in 2024.”



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