Jacqui Lambie admits she’s opposed to salmon farming

It’s clear: a vote for a Lambie candidate this election is a vote to kill salmon farming.

Today, Senator Lambie herself has revealed that she opposes salmon farming in Macquarie Harbour, telling a newspaper “there’s clearly a problem with salmon farming in that [Macquarie] Harbour.”

And yesterday afternoon, the lead Lambie candidate for Franklin, Chris Hannan told ABC Radio she’d ‘love to see more regulation in the industry’.

Ms Hannan twice refused to answer if she supported the salmon industry.

The Lambies have spent the first three weeks of the campaign hiding from scrutiny – and no wonder.

They are hopelessly split on the Stadium. Now we know, they are anti-salmon farming.

What other anti-job positions are the Lambie candidates secretly harbouring? Are they also anti-forestry? Anti-mining? Anti-agriculture?

When it comes to salmon, the Lambies are nothing more than Greens wolves in sheep’s clothing.

If you support salmon jobs in Tasmania, don’t vote for them.


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