Labor is at war with itself over native forestry

Today’s Australian newspaper reveals Labor’s Environment Action Network (LEAN), an internal party grouping associated with Leader Rebecca White, is opposed to a push from another faction – the “Wise Use of Resources” group – to review Sustainable Timber Tasmania’s pursuit of FSC certification.

This faction views FSC certification as being too heavily influenced by the Green movement.

At the same time, it’s becoming increasingly clear that Labor’s hapless forestry spokesman Shane Broad is in the thrall of the Green movement, now stating that he doesn’t support our plan to open up an additional 40,000 hectares of native forest for harvesting because he was “very doubtful” that the extra would would secure “any reputable certification” due to the “significant conflict” that harvesting these forests could create.

In other words, Dr Broad is captive to the blackmail of the Greens.

Never forget the last Labor-Green Government gutted the forestry industry and destroyed two out of every three local jobs.

A re-elected majority Rockliff Liberal Government has a Strong Plan to protect forestry jobs.

We will unlock the logging reserves as Tasmanians voted for in 2014, and extend sawmill contracts to 2040 to give security to the thousands of Tasmanians who rely on the forestry industry for their livelihoods.

Only a re-elected majority Rockliff Liberal Government with our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future will protect forestry jobs.


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