Labor runs green on forestry ... again

Labor’s new candidate has been caught sharing Bob Brown propaganda about ending native forestry in Tasmania. 

Minister for Resources, Felix Ellis, said the revelation shows that a forestry Becflip is just one sweetheart deal away with the Greens. 

“If the Opposition Leader doesn’t immediately dis-endorse her new green-left anti-forestry candidate what hope does Labor have of resisting another dirty deal with the Greens to shut down the industry?” Minister Ellis said.

“We know key Labor branches have already passed motions calling for sustainable native forestry to be ended across the nation, including in Tasmania.  

“To put up another candidate committed to Bob Brown’s economic vandalism shows Labor have learned nothing from their years in the political wilderness.

“Cr Ryan Posselt has retweeted the Bob Brown Foundation in their post saying, “Native forest logging must end now.”

Mr Posselt goes on to say, “when will we stop this nonsense?”

“It follows other tweets from the Councillor of Tasmania’s Greenest Council similarly calling for destruction of an industry that employs thousands of Tasmanians in regional communities. 

“This is a test of leadership for Ms White. Or will the hapless Dr Broad have to go back to Braddon and again explain to timber workers why his party keeps putting up activists who are out to destroy their jobs? 

“Tasmanian Labor have been taken over by the mainland party because they couldn’t stop preselecting people with views completely out of step with mainstream Tasmanians. Yet here we go again...” Minister Ellis said.


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