Labor's forestry policy - not one more log, not one more job

Labor’s so-called forestry policy fails to provide a single extra log, or a single extra job, to Tasmania’s forestry industry.

It is nothing more than a damp Green squib.

Variously, it commits to:

“stop” the current plantation log allocation process – but provides no detail about how Labor plan to reallocate this wood moving forward;

“review” the available timber resources in Tasmania; and

“develop” a process for access to wood.

What is pointedly missing from Labor’s policy is any mention of the Future Potential Production Forest and the estimated 158,000 cubic metres of high-quality sawlog available there.

It is very clear that Labor is still a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Greens and still haven’t learned the lessons of 2010-2014.

In contrast, our forestry policy will secure the supply all Tasmanian sawmillers need by opening the “wood bank” Tasmanians voted for, and extending contracts to 2040.

Unlike Labor, we will always act in the best interests of the State not sectional interests, and we will not be held hostage by the Greens.


Greens plan to kill jobs


Labor reveals its promises are fake