No new fire levy

The Rockliff Liberal Government has this morning paused the working group tasked with reforming the fire levies. 
Importantly we remain steadfast in our commitment to progressing the important governance and structural changes to our fire and emergency service.
Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Management Felix Ellis thanked representatives from business, industry, local government, unions and community leaders who have participated in the working group. 
“We all agreed that fire, floods, and storms pose an increasing threat to Tasmania and that contemporary governance structures are required to deliver this,” Minister Ellis said. 
“There is no unanimous agreement the design of a new funding model, despite constructive and positive conversations and engagement.
 “We will always listen to Tasmanians and strive to be fair to households, fair to business, fair to our regions and also fair to our emergency services so they can save lives.
“We will not be changing the fire service levy model without agreement.
“We thank Tasmanians for their input through the consultation of the Fire and Emergency Services Bill.”


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