Labor once again confirms it can’t be trusted

Labor has once again proven its only plan for Tasmania is to pull negative time-wasting political stunts.

The Opposition today confirmed the only reason they are itching to get back to Parliament is to move a stunt motion and disrupt important legislation in the House.

Not because they care about the Commission of Inquiry, stability for business, certainty for the community nor anything else that is important to Tasmanians.

No - they want to pull another stunt.

Rebecca White was so embarrassed about Labor’s bald-faced political tactics that she refused put her own name to them. Instead, she has marched out Josh Willie to do her dirty work, along with her leadership rival Mr Winter.

On Sunday, Ms White said we needed to get back to Parliament without delay to progress the Government’s legislative agenda.

Today, she has sent out Josh Willie to confirm Labor’s only priority is to try and block the Government’s agenda and waste more time in Parliament playing political games.

Tasmanians don’t like their politicians pulling time-wasting stunts for a headline. They expect their politicians to get on with the job of improving their lives.

If there’s one thing Labor is consistent about, it’s that they can’t be trusted.

Unlike wishy-washy Ms White, Tasmanians always know where Jeremy Rockliff and the Liberal Government stands.

Our Government has a strong legislative agenda for Tasmanians, including delivering on the Commission on Inquiry’s recommendations, and we will continue to focus on what matters for Tasmanians not the immature Opposition who will continue to play politics.

We will also seek to sit late for every hour that Labor wastes on stunts, because Tasmanians expect us to get the job done


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