Employer of Choice gives business an edge

Tasmanian companies, not-for-profits, community and government organisations are being called to showcase their people and celebrate their workplace in the 2023 Employer of Choice program.

Minister for Skills, Training and Workforce Growth, Felix Ellis, said there were already more than 100 accredited Tasmanian Employers of Choice collectively employing around 20,000 Tasmanians.

“Becoming an Employer of Choice demonstrates an organisation’s commitment to its people,” Minister Ellis said.

“It shows a workplace cares about its people and does the hard work of building a great workplace, whatever the industry sector and whatever the size of organisation.

“The Rockliff Liberal Government is pleased to support this initiative which is building a strong economy and a caring community."

If successful, Employers of Choice recognised organisations are entitled to display the distinctive red Employer of Choice logo when advertising their business and seeking new employees – it promotes their organisation and Tasmania as a place of choice for skilled workers.

“The process to be recognised as an Employer of Choice involves a written application and then site visits and interviews by an expert panel of judges for shortlisted applicants to confirm the nominee organisations make the grade as a true Employer of Choice” Minister Ellis said.

Liberal Member for Bass Simon Wood MP said the program would have benefits for Tasmanian businesses.

“In this tight labour market, being recognised as an Employer of Choice may just give you the edge when it comes to attracting new employees,” Mr Wood said.

“We know there are so many great employers in Tasmania who are passionate about what they do and supporting their staff, so I encourage organisations right around our State to have a look at applying.”

Entries close on 15 May 2023 with successful applicants announced in November 2023. For more information on how to apply visit: business.tas.gov.au/eoc


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