Providing certainty for plantation sawmill supply

A re-elected majority Liberal Government will provide Sustainable Timber Tasmania’s existing customers with long-term supply contracts for plantation sawlog on commercial terms until 2040.

With the shutdown of native forest logging by mainland Labor governments distorting markets, and the broader transformational impacts this is having on the industry, we will seek authorisation from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission to implement this initiative as a matter of urgency.

The initiative follows the announcement of our commitment to make available an additional 158,000 cubic metres of high-quality native forest sawlog exclusively to STT's existing customers by unlocking the wood bank that was set aside as part of our 2014 election policy.

The Liberals recognise the importance of continued supply volumes to support regional jobs, and established processing businesses.

Our plan adds certainty, support, and jobs for Tasmania's forestry sector.

The Liberals have consistently backed the industry and the many regional workers who rely on it.

Since 2014, we have torn up the job-destroying Tasmanian Forests Agreement, stopped the lock-ups, and with our targeted support and sensible policies, ensured jobs, investment, wood production and exports are all up.

Only a re-elected majority Rockliff Liberal Government can be trusted to deliver for the forestry industry under our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future.


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