Tasmanian firefighters to help NSW fires

Australia is already facing one of its toughest summer bushfire seasons in recent years with multiple fire fronts and losses of property across New South Wales and Queensland.

Tasmania is part of the National Resources Sharing Centre which has requested support from State and Territories to help with firefighting operations in NSW.

Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Management, Felix Ellis, said that this morning 20 highly training and skilled Tasmanians flew out of Hobart to help our colleagues interstate to fight these terrible fires.

“The Tasmanian team consists of 11 Tasmanian Fire Service personnel, 5 Sustainable Timber Tasmania employees and 4 Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife staff,” Minister Ellis said.

“They are expected to be in NSW for 7 days to help firefighting crews who are understandably depleted and fatigued and in need of rest.

“We wish our brave Tasmanian firefighters a safe and successful journey as they reflect the true Australian spirit of helping out a mate in their time of need.

“The fires interstate, and indeed the recent fire near Coles Bay, is another timely reminder that Tasmania is one of the most bushfire prone regions in the world and the best defence against natural disasters is to be prepared and keep informed so you can keep your family safe.

“Many Tasmanians live in rural or bush settings, so it is so important that you have a bushfire plan, you know your risks and escape routes and you know how to access information,” Minister Ellis said.

The single best sources of information about natural disasters in Tasmania is www.TasALERT.com.au and information about preparing a bushfire plan can be found at www.fire.tas.gov.au.


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