Recruitment for Commissioner Fire and Emergency Services  

The recruitment process for the new Commissioner for Fire and Emergency Services has commenced.  

Following a review of the TFS Chief Officer role, the title for the position has been updated to reflect the direction of the Tasmanian Government’s broader Tasmania Fire and Emergency Service (TFES) reforms. 

The Commissioner for Fire and Emergency Services will be responsible for leading reform initiatives and ensuring that the governance, operational, strategic and corporate priorities of the TFS and SES are achieved. 

Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Management, Felix Ellis, said the Rockliff Liberal Government’s TFES Reforms are the most significant for our fire and emergency services in over 40 years. 

“The Commissioner will be responsible for implementing our TFES reforms as they continue to be finalised in consultation with the Tasmanian community,” Minister Ellis said. 

“To inform our work, I am continuing to meet with representatives from our community, business, regional and emergency sectors. 

“We are committed to providing our fire and emergency services with a strong chain of command, and a sustainable and ring-fenced funding model, to support the services in the face of increasing frequency and severity of fire, floods and emergencies,” Minister Ellis said.  

The new role will be advertised through the Tasmanian Government jobs website and other recruitment channels and will be open for three weeks.  

It is anticipated the process will be finalised and the successful applicant in place by May 2024. 


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