Remote Police Housing on the up

Rebuilding our police service means giving officers the support they need to live and work in remote areas. 

Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Management, Felix Ellis, said in providing that support the Rockliff Liberal Government is investing in new police stations and upgrading police housing. 

“Remote area policing is a critical role for our communities, and our police officers need housing that is modern, functional and fit-for-purpose,” Minister Ellis said. 

“This 2023-24 Tasmanian Budget provides $1.2 million towards our Upgrading Police Housing Program. This takes the total investment in this program to $22.9 million since 2015-16. 

“This program includes the upgrade, purchase or construction of 73 houses for police officers and their families stationed in our remote and regional areas of Tasmania, and provides an important boost for the communities that they serve.” 

Minister Ellis said local contractors are being used to complete the upgrades and boost local economies. 

He said 62 houses have already been completed since 2015. 

“Measures like this demonstrate this Government’s strong commitment to boosting our police numbers to the highest number in history, supporting our officers’ mental health and well-being, and ensuring that they have comfortable houses so that they are keeping our remote communities safe.” 


Investing in a strong police service


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