Setting up our emergency services for the future

The Rockliff Liberal Government is setting up our emergency services for the future with upgrades on the way for our fire and emergency services.

Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Management, Felix Ellis, said the Government will invest $10 million to boost the TFES Capital Program.

“This Budget ensures targeted, careful and considered investment which is delivering on our commitment to our emergency services to set them up for the future,” Minister Ellis said.

“The $10 million budgeted for the TFES Capital Program will assist in upgrading facilities and appliances across the Tasmania Fire Service and State Emergency Service state-wide so that our volunteers are comfortable and safe.

“The capital funding boost from the Rockliff Liberal Government will go across Tasmania to provide that much needed investment in our assets, to keep our volunteers safe and comfortable over the next two years.

“I am expecting it to go far and wide, to all the corners of the State.

“We are also embarking on financial reform to ensure that our fire and emergency services are funded through a fair, simple and sustainable model.”

Minister Ellis said the Budget reflected the careful consideration being given to prepare Tasmania for the future.

“Since forming Government, we have invested more than $185 million in additional funding into our fire and emergency services in new initiatives, programs and infrastructure,” Minister Ellis said.

“This includes $124.4 million into our fuel reduction program, $11.5 million into the new Sorell Emergency Services Hub, $6.5 million into a state-of-the-art Emergency Management Centre, $4 million into our volunteer grants program, $2.4 million for a Volunteer Strategy and Support Unit, $18.8 million for flood and storm hazards, and much more to resource our emergency services and keep Tasmanians safe.

“Earlier this year we saw the opening of the Sorell Emergency Services Hub which has provided that community with a state-of-the-art facility that will support those services well into the future.”

Also announced in the 2023-24 Tasmanian Budget is a further $2.2 million for the Kentish and Latrobe Flood Mitigation works, taking the total investment to $9.3 million for this initiative.

“Following on from the devastating floods in 2016, and again more recently in October 2022, we continue our investment in making our regions flood-ready and flood-safe,” Minister Ellis said.

“We are targeting every dollar to get things done, building a strong economy and a safe, caring community.”


Budget boost for skills and training


Targeted investment to keep our community safe