Sex Offender draft Bill to be amended to improve it and make it stronger

The Rockliff Liberal Government is committed to having the toughest legislation in the country to protect Tasmanian children from sex offenders.
The Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Bill is currently out for consultation.
Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Managing, Felix Ellis said the Government encourages feedback and comment to draft Bills during the consultation phase before they are finalised and tabled in Parliament.
“It has been clear that there is community concern about a clause regarding creating or promoting “animosity’ towards an identified sex offender,” Minister Ellis said.
“Following the community’s feedback, the Government will amend this clause in the final bill to remove the word “animosity” Minister Ellis said.
“Community feedback to the draft Bill is exactly how a consultation phase should work so that it results in the toughest oversight on sex offenders to empower caregivers with information to protect their children from sex offenders.

“Ultimately, this bill will ensure Tasmania leads the nation when it comes to child protection.”
The public consultation period continues until 5pm on 16 February 2024. 
 For more information, visit


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