Union's comments must be withdrawn

The labelling of a highly decorated senior female leader as a “fox in the hen house” by the United Firefighters Union is disrespectful and must be called out.

Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Management, Felix Ellis, said the comments were an attack against a leader of one of our emergency services and should be withdrawn.

“The unions and Labor peddling conspiracies about one of our outstanding Tasmanian leaders is bizarre,” Minister Ellis said.

“They have been doing it behind the scenes and now they are doing it publicly. It is disappointing because we have outstanding people in our emergency services, and they deserve to be respected.

“Does Labor support the type of language the UFU has used?

“Clearly, by their actions today, that is exactly what they think is ok - muckraking and disrespecting a senior female leader to make political points.”

Labor have learned nothing from the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner’s Motion for Respect Report, and they continue to show disrespect for our senior public servants.

Minister Ellis said the Government has listened to the House of Assembly Inquiry into the State Fire Commission and the independent reviews undertaken by Mr Blake and Mr Stevens about the need for reform.

He said the question is when will Labor listen to the evidence and take their head out of the sand on these important reforms to keep Tasmanians safe.

“The Rockliff Liberal Government will continue to implement these reforms that were announced in January this year – because they are about community safety,” he said.

“These reforms are about providing a best practice environment for our firefighters and first responders for the work they do every day protecting Tasmanians because we know we are Stronger Together.

“Our emergency services personnel and volunteers are highly skilled individuals who are everyday heroes in our communities.
“Labor needs to distance themselves from these disrespectful comments.

“If they are serious about keeping Tasmanians safe they must also support our reforms, otherwise all Labor has to offer is blocks, not solutions.

“Our Government is getting things done, listening to Tasmanians and is focused on building a safe, caring community.”


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