Where does State Labor stand on Federal Labor stifling Tasmanian economic development?

The Rockliff Liberal Government continues to back economic development in Tasmania despite an ever-growing backlog of approvals piling up on Federal Labor Minister Tanya Plibersek’s desk.

It appears that no industry is safe with Renewable Energy, Mining, Forestry, Salmon Farming and new economic development projects all under threat from Federal Labor’s ever-greener environment minister.

Minister Plibersek’s latest decision highlighted in The Australian this morning should be of concern to Tasmanians.

The Federal Minister has effectively killed off a key pillar of Victoria and the nation's renewable energy agenda by blocking a critical component of the Victorian offshore wind industry.

Minister for Energy and Renewables, Nick Duigan, said “Here in Tasmania, Robbins Island Wind Farm is still waiting on Minister Plibersek’s approval and her Federal Department’s unwillingness to properly engage with proponents is of significant concern.

“Despite State Labor’s continued utterance that we need more renewable energy, these latest developments show that the Opposition is either unwilling to take the fight up to their Federal colleagues or have no sway with their Federal Administrators.”

Minister for Resources, Felix Ellis, said that Minister Plibersek’s delays were costing various industries and also his electorate of Braddon.

“Tasmanians will always know where the Liberals stand when it comes to protecting Tasmania’s industries and jobs,” Minister Ellis said.

“The Rosebery Mine has been waiting 18 months for a decision on their critical tailings dam and it is hurting industry, economic development and the people of Braddon.

It is also not just mining jobs in Braddon at risk, it is the hundreds of downstream processing jobs that are impacted as well.

“I call on Tasmanian Labor to do what’s right: stand up to your Federal Labor mates, start fighting for Tasmania and reject Ms Plibersek’s Green-washing efforts to keep her left-wing seat of Sydney constituents happy.”

The Federal Minister has recently added salmon to her Tasmanian industry hitlist, with the Rockliff Liberal Government asking if anyone in State Labor has picked up the phone over the Summer and told their Federal Labor colleague Tanya Plibersek to keep her hands off our salmon industry?

Minister for Primary Industries and Water, Jo Palmer, said the salmon industry employs hundreds of Tasmanians and supports regional businesses and communities.

“The Rockliff Liberal Government will always firmly stand beside Tasmanian families, Tasmanian businesses and Tasmanian communities” Minister Palmer said.

“But we will not stand by and watch the Federal Labor Government unnecessarily destroy regional Tasmania.

“State Labor must not allow their Federal Labor colleagues to kill off our salmon industry and the hundreds of Tasmanian jobs that it supports.”

The Rockliff Liberal Government will continue to stand up for hard-working Tasmanians and will continue its long-term plan to deliver on the things that matter to Tasmanians and their families.


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