Suncable facility to turbo-charge Tasmanian construction industry

The Rockliff Liberal Government has a long-term plan to grow the Tasmanian economy and jobs, and the potential new SunCable manufacturing facility at Bell Bay will turbo-charge the State’s construction and advanced skills sector. 

Bell Bay has been named as the preferred site to build the first advanced high-voltage subsea cable manufacturing facility in the Southern Hemisphere which would bring over $1 billion in economic activity to Tasmania. 

Minister for Skills, Training and Workforce Growth, Felix Ellis, said that importantly the facility would create more than 800 jobs during construction and 400 permanent full-time advanced manufacturing roles once in operation. 

“This is an incredibly exciting opportunity for Tasmania both in terms of the economic boost but also the creation of skilled jobs and we look forward to continuing to work with organisations like Master Builders Tasmania to train our workforce of the future,” Minister Ellis said. 

“We have already seen a huge boom in the number of apprentices and construction workers in training, up by 32.7 per cent from 2019 to 2023, and a facility like SunCable provides that pipeline of work to keep growing the sector. 

“We currently have more than $16 billion worth of public and private projects and the construction of 30,000 homes in the pipeline which is why we are investing in TasTAFE and the state-of-the-art training facilities our Hi Vis Army needs to help keep building a stronger Tasmania. 

“We want learners to be at the centre of the training experience because we know that achieves the best results. 

“A facility like SunCable will provide amazing construction opportunities for current trades and skills, in addition to new advanced manufacturing roles in the high-voltage cable-making industry. 

“SunCable also complements Tasmania’s unique position as a renewables powerhouse by being 100 per cent self-sufficient in renewable electricity. SunCable will help connect renewable energy projects in Australia and around the world and drive domestic demand for critical minerals and processing industries. 

Liberal Member for Franklin, Dean Young, said the Government looks forward to working with SunCable to identify and develop the required workforce, as well as the training and development programs they require. 

“This will in turn support and grow many existing Tasmania businesses and industries with flow-on benefits for all Tasmanians as the world transitions to a renewables future,” Mr Young said.

"The Rockliff Liberal Government has invested record amounts into skills and trade training in Tasmania during the past 9 years which has led to a record number of Tasmanians in employment."


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