Government Focused on Delivering, Labor Focused on Politics

The Rockliff Liberal Government will be focused on delivering for all Tasmanians with a strong agenda in the upcoming Parliament sitting week.

Our Government’s commitment to getting on with the job of implementing the COI recommendations hasn’t wavered, and on Tuesday we will table and debate the Appropriation (Supplementary Appropriation for 2023-24) Bill 2023.

Leader of the House, Felix Ellis, said this Bill will provide $40.4 million to take action on key COI recommendations, including the establishment of a North-West Arch Centre, resourcing to progress legislative reforms, improving child safety information-sharing and internal reporting, and a leadership and cultural reform program across the Tasmanian State Service.

“The Bill will also provide new funding for crucial services that Tasmanians rely on like the Shepherd Centre for children with hearing loss, Metro Tasmania, as well as funding to deliver on the Government’s commitment to Nyrstar’s redevelopment,” Minister Ellis said.

“I will be tabling a new Firearms Amendment Bill with reforms to protect Tasmanians. The Bill includes bans on Outlaw Motorcycle Gang members possessing firearms and a new offence for the unlawful possession of digital blueprints for the illegal manufacture of guns.

“Following the release of the new Mac Point Draft Precinct Plan on Sunday, the Government intends to also table an Order to further progress the Stadium as a Project of State Significance.

“This Order will be the next step in our long-term plan to develop the Mac Point site, with a multipurpose stadium, Antarctic facilities, residential development, an Aboriginal culturally informed zone and a mixed-use zone.

“Other legislation we are expecting to debate includes the Sentencing Amendment (Breaches of Home Detention Orders) Bill 2023, which will enable faster and stronger responses by courts to offenders who breach orders, the Victims of Crime Assistance Amendment Act 2023 which will make sure victims applying for awards under the Act are not disadvantaged by indexation, and the Justice and Related Legislation (Further Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2023 which includes important changes to ensure courts can access the most up to date information when considering applications under the High Risk Offender framework.

“Unfortunately, all we have seen from Labor in the lead up to this week is their usual negative politics.

“Dean Winter’s confirmation that Labor was apparently “always” planning to move a stunt motion this week - overruling his leader who stated just days before this wasn’t the case - shows Labor has nothing to offer Tasmanians.

“But we will not be distracted.

“We will get on with delivering on our long-term plan for Tasmanians, while Labor continues to show Tasmanians they have no vision and no plan for our State, and is only focused on stunts,” Minister Ellis said.


Firearms Safety Amendments Bill 2023 tabled today


Early reflections