Firearms Safety Amendments Bill 2023 tabled today

  • The Rockliff Liberal Government continues to deliver on its long-term plan of progressing important reforms to improve community safety.
    Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Management, Felix Ellis, said gun violence and criminal activity are the focus of these reforms and the Government is committed to taking action to keep Tasmanians safe. 
    “We are cracking down on people who threaten Tasmanians’ safety through illegal or unsafe behaviour with firearms,” Minister Ellis said.
     “These amendments will make it illegal to possess digital blueprints for the manufacture of firearms, firearm parts and sound suppressors using modern technology such as 3D printers or electronic milling - unless otherwise exempt. 
    “We are also making sure that people who use imitation firearms to commit crime can be prosecuted. Gel blasters are not toys. They are intentionally manufactured to look and feel like firearms and have an operating system similar to an air rifle. People have used these to threaten and intimidate the public and police and that is unacceptable.
    The Firearms Amendment (Community Safety) Bill 2023 will also: 

  • Automatically refuse firearms licences for members of outlaw motorcycle gangs; 
    Prohibit the unlawful manufacture of firearms parts or ammunition through emerging technologies such as 3D printers;

  • Extend the provisions of the permanent firearms amnesty to include firearm part, firearm sound suppressor or ammunition.

  • extend auditing obligations for the Auditor-General to include all firearms disposals by the Crown and its agencies, ;

  • Increase the penalties for failing to transport, store or keep firearms safely, and allow infringement notices to be issued for minor breaches of the Act; and

  • Adopt changes made to the National Firearms Agreement to re-classify lever-action shotguns.

“The Rockliff Liberal Government is delivering on what matters for all Tasmanians and we make no apologies for being tough on gun crime and criminals.”

Minister Ellis said the Government is committed to ensuring that our police have the authority to pursue and prosecute criminal activity that threatens community safety.



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