Supporting Tasmanian Forestry and Forestry Workers

The Rockliff Liberal Government will always stand up for Tasmanian forestry and forestry workers. 

Minister for Resources, Felix Ellis, said unlike Labor, our focus has always been on growing Tasmania’s world-class forestry sector, increasing on-island processing, and creating more jobs in this important industry.

“Our Government has been clear from the get-go: Tasmanian timber will support Tasmanian jobs,” the Minister said. 

“It was Labor that did a deal with the Greens and sold the industry out, with families in regional areas across the State suffering as a result. 

“Our Government has turned the ship around by ripping up the job-destroying Labor-Green deal, with the industry now in a much better place.

“We have been working collaboratively for a number of weeks with key industry peak bodies including the Tasmanian Forest Products Association, Tasmanian Sawmillers Association, Tasmanian Special Timbers Alliance and the Australian Forest Contractors Association around future sawlog supply and other industry matters.

“To be very clear, there is no change in sawlogs being supplied to Tasmanian processors from our public forests. STT’s wood supply contracts with major Tasmanian customers are in place until 2027.

“For Labor to try and talk about resource security for Tasmanian sawmillers is the height of hypocrisy.”

Under the job-destroying Labor-Green deal, the legislated wood supply obligation to industry was more than halved, and millions in taxpayers' dollars paid to help businesses exit forestry.


Tasmanian forestry at risk from Labor again


Is White drifting towards the Greens again on forestry?