Is White drifting towards the Greens again on forestry?

It is reported that Labor powerbrokers, including Paul Lennon, are holding meetings today with Opposition leader Rebecca White and Dean Winter today to discuss their concerns about the party’s forestry policy.  This should send shudders through the industry.

Minister for Resources, Felix Ellis said Labor’s record was clear – they will always side with the Greens and against industry at every turn when given the chance. 

“With a new Greens leader coming soon, the Greens clearly sniff an opportunity for a New Labor-Green deal to be worked out, to the detriment of forestry jobs,” Mr Ellis says.

“Ms White followed the Greens policy when she said she would ban pokies in pubs and clubs.

“Labor also followed the Greens to oppose the construction of the Northern Correctional Facility, and have never backed a cable car proposal for kunanyi/Mt Wellington.

“And they have also supported a number of Greens’ policies, chilling investor confidence and not responded to our calls to strengthen workplace protection laws.

“Tasmanians will never forget when Labor did a deal with the Greens to destroy the forest industry and the damage that did to so many Tasmanian families and businesses.

"We have also seen Labor’s grassroot environmental movement LEAN flex their muscles in an attempt to remove support for native forestry from the party platform.

“Will Dean Winter and his Right faction supporters be able to keep control of the caucus on forestry policy, or will Rebecca White and Labor do another deal with the Greens to once again sell out forestry families and their jobs?”


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