Labor can't be trusted on health

After nearly 10 years in Opposition, Labor still don’t have a plan for Tasmania’s health system. 

They have no mental health policy - because they're afraid Tasmanians will remember they slashed mental health funding when they were last in government.

They have no policy for opening more beds - because they're afraid Tasmanians will remember their record of closing hospital beds and whole wards and putting the beds in storage.

They have no policy on hospital infrastructure - because they're afraid Tasmanians will remember that after promising to redevelop the Royal Hobart Hospital in 2006, they failed to ever lay a brick.
And they removed the helipad.

They have no policy for improving ambulance services -  because they're afraid Tasmanians will remember they spent $1 million of taxpayers money fighting against paramedic wage increases.

The fact is that last time Labor were in Government, they slashed the health budget by $500 million.
Tasmanians know they can’t trust Labor when it comes to health.

In comparison, the Rockliff Liberal Government invests over $8 million each and every day into Tasmanian’s health system.

We have opened hundreds of additional beds, not closed them. 

We have recruited over 220 paramedics and dispatch offices - not fought against them.

And we have been actively working with health unions on ways to improve ambulance response times which HACSU are well aware of because they're involved.

We are the government that redeveloped the Royal Hobart Hospital.

We are the government that has employed 1,481 more nurses, not sacked them.

And every day we are building better health services and finding new solutions to meet hospital demand - which is increasing across the nation.

The fact is that 40 per cent of our ED presentations are Category 4 and 5. These are people who would be going to a GP if they could find one that bulk bills, or even get access to one.

If Labor were so concerned about the increasing presentations to hospital or ambulance response times, they would pick up the phone to the Federal Labor Health Minister and ensure that GPs in Tasmania have the capacity to bulk-bill. Now that’s a plan that would make a real difference.

But once again we are seeing that Labor have no answers or ideas, just criticisms and persistent negativity.  

It's long past the time they put their own ideas on the table. What are they so afraid of?


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