Big industry shift as logs roll onto rail

The Rockliff Liberal Government is the strongest supporter of Tasmania’s resource sector which provides a rock-solid base to grow the economy and create more jobs in regional communities. 

A quiet but major transformation is happening in Tasmanian log transport with a 10-fold increase in logs transported on rail over the past 10 years.
From a base of a little over 20,000 tonnes of logs hauled by rail in the final full year of the former Labor-Green Government in 2012-13, TasRail transported nearly 260,000 tonnes of logs in the last financial year.
Not only is this shift delivering transport efficiencies for the forestry sector, but it is also reducing pressure on the State road network, particularly the Midland and East Tamar Highways.
Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Michael Ferguson, said the quiet transformation has demonstrated the value of the Liberal Government’s investment in the State rail network.
“We have invested heavily in our track and rolling stock and the investment is now paying off across a number of industries, particularly forestry,’’ Mr Ferguson said.
“Our investment is also occurring at rail sidings and hubs, such as Brighton, where the logs are moved onto our trains and the development of new and improved Logtainer units.
“The shift of the increasing volume of logs to our rail network is a benefit to our road network in terms of maintenance costs and congestion and this shift is being driven by commercial efficiencies.
“Industry sees the commercial value of our freight rail network and its reliability in terms of on-time delivery of large volumes, with derailments an extremely rare event.’’
Minister for Resources, Felix Ellis, said the forestry industry has benefitted from the investment.
“With two loading sites in the south, two discharge sidings at Bell Bay and specialised truck weighbridges at Parattah and Brighton, the industry is receiving accurate and timely data,’’ Mr Ellis said.
“The fact that TasRail is now handling up to six log services per week with up to 30 wagons on each is a testament to the commercial efficiency of rail transport.
“TasRail and industry will continue to work together to support future growth opportunities.”


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