Labor can't be trusted with Forestry

Today's news from Victoria further proves the point that you can't trust Labor with forestry jobs. 

After an earlier decision to shut the Victorian native forestry sector down by 2030, today's Victorian State Labor Budget brings that date forward to 1 January next year. 

Thousands of regional Victorians will lose their jobs. Historic timber communities already reeling from Dan Andrews' previous announcement will be kicked while they’re down. 

Tasmanian Minister for Resources, Felix Ellis, said the cost to the Victorian taxpayer is reported to be an eye-watering $875 million. 

“That's money that could be spent on hospitals, schools, roads - things everyday people use and expect their Governments to support,” he said. 

“Instead, in the dystopian world of Victorian Labor, this money is actually being spent on destroying regional jobs. 

“Tasmanians still remember the devastation of the Labor-Green Tasmanian Forests Agreement. Two out of every three forestry jobs were lost and regional towns gutted.  

“So much for Labor’s so-called ‘party for workers’ which has apparently forgotten the men and women working in our forest industry.

“Native forestry in Australia is sustainable, provides timber to build our houses, fibre for a plastic free future and is the lifeblood of regional communities, providing secure jobs.  

“Since the Liberal Government came to power in 2014, we have helped rebuild the forest industry in Tasmania. Jobs, exports and investment are all up. 

“And with the world increasingly demanding sustainably produced wood and fibre, Tasmania is in the box seat to support our own needs and that of others.  

“The Tasmanian Liberal Government makes no apology for our continued support of our world class sustainable forestry industry and the many Tasmanian families it supports. 

“Tasmanians can now clearly see what is at stake.” 


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