Labor once again fails to support Tasmania's forestry industry

Labor once again fails to support Tasmania's forestry industry

The Rockliff Liberal Government is sticking to its long-term plan for all Tasmanians by supporting the forestry industry which employs thousands of workers across the State.

Minister for Resources, Felix Ellis, said it was unfortunate that a continued constant in forestry is Labor’s mistruths and politicking with timber jobs.

“In contrast to Mr Winter’s characterisations earlier today, I described Victorian Labor’s decision to shut down native forestry as catastrophic,” Minister Ellis said.

“Tasmanian Labor — including Mr Winter — have still yet to publicly condemn the unscientific and job-destroying decision of their Victorian and Western Australian Labor colleagues to end sustainable native forestry in those states.

“While Labor continues politicking with timber jobs, the Rockliff Liberal Government has demonstrated it is committed to seeing Tassie timber support Tassie jobs.

“This is why Sustainable Timber Tasmania’s (STT) wood supply contracts with major Tasmanian processors are in place until 2027. And all sawlog from our public estate is supplied to Tasmanian mills for on-island processing.

“It’s also why we’re continuing to work with industry through the Future Forestry Advisory Panel on strategic initiatives and specific actions to address future wood supply. This includes reviewing STT’s Ministerial Charter.”

Minister Ellis said STT has completed an independent probity review of the recent haulage contract tender and this found that the tender process was completed in a manner that was fair to all tenderers.

“It is important to note that this is the fifth open tender STT undertook during 2022-23, and the previous four tenders went to local companies,” Minister Ellis said.

“It is also important to note that STT spends tens of millions annually in supporting local businesses. In fact, last financial year STT paid $105 million to more than 647 Tasmanian businesses.

“In keeping their standard slapdash and double-tongued approach to native forestry, Labor are quick to seek a headline.

“However, they need to be responsible and explain to industry just how they will deliver their policy commitment given the operation of competition and consumer laws.

“Tasmanian timber workers remember what happened with Tasmanian Labor’s past commitments to the sector: two out of every three jobs lost and regional communities devastated because of capitulation to the Greens.

“The sad truth is that you just can’t trust Labor with anything.”


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