New funding for immediate or unexpected training needs

Funding for immediate or unexpected training needs identified by employers, industry and training providers will now be available under the new Train Now Fund grant program released by Skills Tasmania.

Minister for Skills, Training and Workforce Growth, Felix Ellis, said that the Rockliff Liberal Government was putting the learner at the centre of our training system and improving responsiveness to meet industry and business needs.

“The Train Now Fund has been designed to improve the responsiveness of Tasmania’s training system so we can better meet urgent training needs of our industries,” Minister Ellis said.

“It complements the more strategic and longer-term funding provided under the Tasmanian Government’s Building a Skilled Workforce program which supports both existing workers and jobseekers.

“We’ve heard from training providers that funds can sometimes be needed between annual grant funding rounds and we also know that employers might need to deal with a range of unexpected requirements each year, like new regulations or changes in industry standards.

“This program means we can act far more quickly when new critical training needs are identified by industry and training providers,” Minister Ellis said.

A total of $1 million in funding is available for allocation under the 2023-24 round of the Train Now Fund which will be available until funds are fully allocated.

More information on the new Train Now Fund is available on the Skills Tasmania website at


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