Celebrating Tasmania's forests on National Forestry Day

National Forestry Day gives all Tasmanians the opportunity to celebrate the contribution of our sustainable and innovative forestry industry.

Minister for Resources Felix Ellis said Tasmania’s well-managed, sustainable and job creating forest industry is worth more than $1.2 billion annually to the state’s economy and supports more than 5700 direct and indirect jobs, underpinning many of our regional communities.

“It is an industry filled with innovation and vision, consistently delivering a wide range of products essential to the community, including sawn timber, veneer, flooring, beautiful craft timbers, and paper products.

“In fact, timber and wood products from our sustainably managed native forests and vast plantation estate is necessary to build homes and bring about a plastic free future. 

“National Forestry Day is also a chance for us to celebrate how valuable our sustainable forestry industry is in the fight against climate change.

“The research is clear, sustainably managed forests help sequester carbon and contribute toward emissions reduction goals while producing the timber and fibre needed for everyday life.

“Our native forestry sector also plays a key role in the active management of the landscape, improving its resilience to bushfires.”

Minister Ellis said that the Rockliff Liberal Government’s focus has always been on growing Tasmania’s world-class forestry sector, increasing on-island processing and creating more jobs.

“We are proud of the contribution our forestry industry continues to make. Tasmanians can be confident that this industry has a bright future and will continue to deliver diverse forest products as world-leaders in a renewable, responsible, and respected industry,” Minister Ellis said. 

“I congratulate the Australian Forest Products Association and Tasmanian Forest Products Association on initiating the National Forestry Day and providing this opportunity to celebrate the importance of the local industry.”


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