Keeping Tasmanians safe with spring fuel reduction burns

Keeping Tasmanians safe is a top priority for the Rockliff Liberal Government and having a scientific and effective fuel reduction program is part of this strategy. 

Minister Felix Ellis said that Tasmanians will begin to see advertising about the Spring Fuel Reduction Program with burn off activities ramping up before bushfire season arrives.  

“The Tasmania Fire Service, Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service and Sustainable Timber Tasmania work diligently together throughout the year to help prepare for bushfire season, and spring is another chance for them to conduct fuel reduction burns that make summer safer,” Minister Ellis said. 

“We’ve seen devastating bushfires in the Northern Hemisphere recently, and while our fire and land management agencies are playing their part, it is also the time for all Tasmanians to start preparing for bushfires in their regions. 

“Tasmania is one of the most bushfire prone areas in the world and preparing for bushfires is everyone’s responsibility.  

“After three years of mild bushfire seasons in Tasmania, the Bureau of Meteorology is advising that an El Nino is now increasingly likely. An El Nino would bring drier conditions with the potential for more fire weather. 

“Fuel reduction will not prevent bushfires from occurring, but the potential damage of fires will be reduced, making it easier and safer for firefighters to control fires.  

“Over the past few years, we have seen firsthand how planned fuel reduction burning has reduced the impact of bushfires, either by preventing ignitions or making conditions safer for effective firefighting,” Minister Ellis said. 

“If any land-owners are interested in learning what to do to also reduce their fire risks, I encourage them to get in touch with the Government’s Red Hot Tips program to learn more”. 

Since the Fuel Reduction Program began in 2014, 1340 burns have been completed across Tasmania, covering more than 180,000 hectares.

For spring 2023, plans are in place for more than 40 burns covering more than 3300 hectares and will go ahead subject to conditions being suitable. 

The key fuel reduction burns that are being targeted in early spring (weather permitting) are: Binalong Bay, Bicheno, Scamander, Latrobe, The Lea (near Kingston) and Margate. 

The Tasmanian Government has invested over $115 million into fuel reduction initiatives, including $3.1 million for Red Hot Tips program that helps to educate landowners on how to prepare their properties for bushfire. 


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