Our Strong Plan to keep Tasmanians safe

Keeping Tasmanians safe is a top priority for the Tasmanian Government.

The 2024-25 Budget drives the delivery of our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future with more than $144 million in new support that will bolster our frontline police services.

Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Management, Felix Ellis, said the Tasmanian Government has rebuilt Tasmania Police over the past ten years, and the 2024-25 Budget ensures our police continue to have the resources and powers they need to keep Tasmanians safe.

“This Budget significantly boosts our frontline capabilities, delivers record police recruitment and greater service provisions to our rural and regional communities,” Minister Ellis said.

“It also ensures that our police are equipped to continue to enforce the law and hold those who wish to do harm to account.”

The 2024-25 Budget delivers $16.6 million over four years to recruit an additional 60 police officers, taking our police force to the highest level in history.

“Some of these additional police officers will be stationed around the State to establish permanent Strikeforce teams with 20 police officers that will focus on serial offenders - those career criminals who offend time after time - so they can be prosecuted and brought to justice,” Minister Ellis said.

“The Tasmanian Government will also continue to fund our Arch Centres, which are doing an incredible job at supporting victim-survivors of family and sexual violence.

“More than $31 million has been allocated to secure these services, including establishing a new Centre in Burnie.

“These Arch centres – which operate around the State - are providing life-changing support for victim survivors and ensuring the services are provided in one location. By combining support services, we have empowered victim survivors to make a choice about what service they need and when they want to engage those services.”

Other key commitments and initiatives funded in the 2024-25 Budget include:

  • $2.5 million to implement the new Community Protection Offender Reporting scheme;

  • $4.6 million to manage information for the protection of children;

  • $12.4 million each year in support for injured workers; and

  • $160,000 over four years to Crimestoppers Tasmania.

Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Management, Felix Ellis, said that when Tasmanians need help from Tasmania Police, they can continue to expect diligent and timely assistance no matter where they are.

“The Budget drives the delivery of our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future, which cracks down on crime and keeps Tasmanians safe.”


Our strong plan to back in our fire and emergency services


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