Training the next generation of cyber security experts

A new Cyber Innovation Training Hub at TasTAFE’s Campbell Street Campus is training the next generation of cyber security experts.

Minister for Skills and Training, Felix Ellis, said the Cyber Innovation Training Hub, funded by the Australian and Tasmanian Governments, has enabled TasTAFE to provide training in cyber security for students and those already working in the industry.

“ICT is a growth industry in Tasmania and Tasmanian companies have a range of expertise, but with technology constantly changing it’s vital that we have experts trained in cyber security,” Mr Ellis said.

“This is an important part of our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future as we support industry to grow and create jobs for Tasmanians.

“The Centre replicates a Cyber Security Operations Centre (SOC) with red and blue ‘attack’ and ‘defend’ rooms where students can run simulated cyber attacks while other students defend against them.

“A centrepiece of the Hub is LEGO city – Cyber Games, a city made from 50,000 LEGO bricks. It features many of the elements of Tasmania, including the Tasman Bridge and a hydro-electric scheme. It is designed to simulate what could potentially happen to a city’s infrastructure in the event of a cyber-attack.

“Through the Australian and Tasmanian Government’s Fee-free TAFE initiative, TasTAFE has been able to offer a number of fee-free courses and skill sets including the Certificate IV in Cyber Security, and Certificate III and IV in ICT.

TasTAFE is also working with the Australian Computer Society to offer free training known as Boost Cyber to 100 Tasmanian Government employees.

TasTAFE’s training is helping boost our cyber security workforce and keeping the state safe,” Mr Ellis said.


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