More homes on the way for Brighton
The Tasmanian Government is delivering more homes for one of Tasmania’s fastest growing communities following council approval of a new 10.7-hectare subdivision in Brighton.
Consultation open on antique firearms
The Tasmanian Government is delivering on its commitment to support law abiding antique firearm owners, today releasing a consultation paper on proposed amendments to the Firearms Act 1996.
Supercharging social housing maintenance
The Tasmanian Government is supercharging upgrades to social housing with an additional $20 million to improve and maintain homes.
New learner accommodation for TasTAFE Burnie
TasTAFE’s Burnie Campus is set to further support regional skills and training, with the commencement of design work for new on-campus student accommodation.
New grants for higher-density homes faster!
The Tasmanian Government is supporting the construction of more homes across Tasmania through a new $10 million Density Incentive Grant Scheme.
The scheme will provide grants of $10,000 per dwelling for developers building eligible medium or high-density housing.
Expanding vocational learning in Tasmanian schools
The Tasmanian Government’s Youth Career Facilitator Pilot will soon be expanded into the north of the State providing Year 9 and 10 students in secondary schools with more vocational learning opportunities as part of the Youth Jobs Strategy.
Kangaroo Bay Hotel declared a Major Project
The Tasmanian Government has declared the Kangaroo Bay Hotel a Major Project under the Government’s landmark major projects legislation.
Taking action to support development
The Tasmanian Government is continuing to back in development across Tasmania, today introducing a Bill that provides greater support for complex developments to begin works.
World Homeless Day 2024
Today marks World Homeless Day, which aims to raise global awareness that homelessness doesn’t discriminate.
Earthworks Academy delivering for industry
Work is underway to deliver the Tasmanian Government’s live Earthworks Academy, a purpose-built training site to help more Tasmanians become job-ready in the civil construction industry.
Delivering new health hub at TasTAFE’s Alanvale Campus
Learners at TasTAFE’s Alanvale Campus are set to benefit from brand new facilities, with works now well underway to deliver a new health training hub and a new learner services hub.
Taking the politics out of planning
The Tasmanian Government is taking the politics out of planning, with public consultation now open on the Land Use Planning and Approvals (Development Assessment Panels) Bill 2024.
Online fire permits to support fuel reduction burning
The first stage of the Tasmanian Government’s new online fire permit system is now complete, allowing Tasmanians to apply online for fire permits and register their intention to burn.
Spring fuel reduction burns working to make summer safer
With conditions now drying out following recent spring rains, Tasmania’s Fire Agencies have begun undertaking fuel reduction burns across the state.
Honouring Tasmania’s finest this National Police Remembrance Day
This National Police Remembrance Day, we pause to reflect and remember those brave men and women who have lost their life in the line of duty while protecting our loved ones, our communities, and our homes.
New Bill to crack down on hooning and knife crime
The Tasmanian Government is slamming the brakes on hooning, road rage and vehicle theft to make our communities and roads safer, with public consultation now open on the Police Offences Amendment Bill 2024.
Welding simulators to enhance training for TasTAFE metals students
TasTAFE’s Metals students are now benefiting from the latest technology thanks to the arrival of twelve new portable ‘Welducation Simulators’.
The future of the TFES Reforms
In the face of increasing severity and frequency of natural disasters, the Tasmanian Government is committed to reforming our fire and emergency services to ensure they are fully supported to keep Tasmanians safe.
Our Strong Plan to deliver a job-ready generation
Ensuring Tasmanians can access the skills and training requirements they need is a key part of the Tasmanian Government’s 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future.
Our Strong Plan for more housing
The Tasmanian Government is delivering more housing options with the 2024-25 Budget investing in the things Tasmanians care about, including housing.